Stable owners, here's the place to buy your feed and bedding!
To make things easier, for each horse you have in your stable, buy
an item of hay and an item(s) of grain every month, and for every
stall, buy an item of bedding every month.
Sweet feed: $30/200lbs.
Oats: $20/200lbs.
Corn: $20/200lbs.
Pellets: $30/200lbs.
Apples: $6/dozen
Water/feed bucket: $15
Carrots: $2.50/dozen
Salt blocks: $8
Alfalfa hay: $20/20 bales
Grass hay: $15/20 bales
Grass seeds: $5/lb.
Hoof supplements: $15
Coat supplements: $15
Joint supplements: $20
Wood shavings: $25/10 bags
Straw: $20/10 bales
Hemp: $40/10 bags
rubber mats: $40/stall
shovel: $10
3-tined fork: $10
shavings fork: $10
wheelbarrow: $40
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